Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Self Portrait

This self portrait illustration was created in response to the beautifully talented Angelica Hagman, a young adult fiction writer and hobby photographer. Angelica wrote an introspective and captivatingly eery short story about self discovery and the oft-times jarring awakening we have to secrets kept hidden, even from ourselves. Hoping she publishes it someday because it was fabulous!

Sherbet Sunset

The first painting in a "yet-to-materialize" series of whimsical landscape paintings. (including the blue Rancho San Antonio below). An effort to break out of my meticulously small painting format and expand with bigger more melodious brushstrokes. I am absolutely enchanted by the magical artistry of the Californian landscape. My weekly commute down highway 280 along the Peninsula is endlessly breathtaking at every hour of the day. I am ever inspired and in awe of natures grand design.

Camouflage Chameleons

Painting done with acrylic on watercolor paper. An attempt to create an out of control camouflage environment for two little chameleons who've chanced upon love in the most awkward of circumstances.

Rancho San Antonio Sanctuary

This was my first attempt at painting large! Living in a one bedroom apartment makes this particularly challenging, however Home Depot has some great canvas dropcloths which I used to cover my dining room table. Just set up the canvas on my portable easel which folds into a backpack (used in Florence Italy for landscape painting) and voila! a makeshift art studio. Next time, I will invest in larger tubes of paint.