Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Front Cover - Lovely Lily

Lily is a minxy playful, laughable character. What else but an zesty crimson could do the trick for Lily's front and center debut. Definately the final pick for Lily's opening number, cover story. I just got back from a fantastic experience at the publishers in Utah! (contact: David Archer) They were so wonderful and generous to show me around. I learned bucket loads of info about how to print, cut, and mass produce a book. I would recommend a field trip here for anyone interested in learning more!


Michael Hansen said...

Wow Ang. Nice work! This is the best that I have seen yet. The colors are really amazing and of course the scribblings completely capture the character. I really like the illustrations from page 4-12. For some reasons the colors seem a lot more vibrant than pages 1-3. Keep up the good work. This just needs to get into the right hands for you to go big time. Then you can hire me as your brilliant story writer.

Jason Richardson said...


Hopefully you get this message. I just looked at your illustrations and couldn't believe how talented you have become!

Congrats on the amazing gift you have. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of your books on Barnes and Noble and Amazon here soon!
